Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Feel It

The following is a note I sent to a mentee of mine a few weeks ago. She has educational background in broadcasting and obviously her career is geared towards the creative side of her.

"Last night, as I was flipping through TV and getting a mental shutdown, I happened upon a program called "What Not to Wear" on TLC.

Long story short, this episode is about the makeover of a brainy 23-year old, who is applying for a PhD degree in physics, while still dressed like a teenager, with a big Pi, her favorite number on her T-shirt. As the fashion gurus kept putting forward new ideas, every time without failing, her analytical brain kicked in and her thought process went, "well, the color... the style.... the cut...how not me....."

Finally, the designers said, "Don't think too much. Feel it."

I think this applies to you too. You are in a different field. There is no magic potion, silver bullet, the E = mc2 to be discovered. As I mentioned, the creative thinking requires the leap of faith. "Don't think too much. Feel it." For that, I think another post in my blog may be helpful: Steve Jobs Standford Commencement speech. Jobs shared his life lessons, including connecting the dots.

I can use an analogy. It's very much like dating. You can rationalize it, match.com it, but at the end of the day, you just need to go for it, trust your hunch, be ready to fail and start again, keep at it, till you find your prince charming."

This relates to the previous post of Paralysis by Analysis. It separates entrepreneurs from ordinary work-bees.


- have a vision or a great idea
- turn it into actions
- are not afraid to make decisions
- are willing to fail
- are not taking "impossible" as an answer
- are looking for a solution instead of backing away from a problem

Go get them!

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